Saturday, January 29, 2011

Garments of Praise

This mountain of clothes came to me slowly over time.

First, they arrived from a Greyhound bus from my older sister. She was passing down all the special clothes her girls wore.
Then my sister-in-law sent suitcases full of little girl clothes with family members. She was passing down all the special clothes her girls wore.
Surrounded by such abundant love, it was a year and a half before I had to purchase my first article of clothing for my daughter.

And the clothes kept arriving.
Because kids grow and they need special clothes that are filled with love.

These garments have been held close as I thanked the One who takes care of all my needs.
These garments have been washed and made clean reminding me of how God does that with my heart.
These garments have heard every prayer I've murmured over my babies, every supplication for their health, every whispered promise of trust for their future.

And today these garments were once again prayed over.
Garments of Praise, they are.
Garments filled with thankfulness for being so blessed and so loved. To have clothes and more importantly, to have someone to put into these clothes.

As I said "Amen," I wondered about the young mothers at the pregnancy crisis center who would be getting them.
Would there daughters take their first steps in the purple outfit or the soft pink jumper?
Would they gather their child in their arms and pause and give thanks that they had made the decision to keep their child?
Would these clothes once again become garments of praise for someone else?

I pray so.

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